Articles should be original and not under consideration by any other publication.
All contributions should be submitted via the Edo Journal of Arts, Management and Social Sciences (EJAMSS)
Contributions should be submitted in English. If authors are not native English speakers, they should seek the help of an English editor for language editing prior to submission. Biographical information of up to 80 words should be included on the title page, indicating authors' institutional affiliation, phone number and email addresses. It is the duty of the author to obtain permission to reproduce any illustrations that may be subject to copyright, and sources should be indicated appropriately in the accompanying captions.
All pages, including those containing only diagrams and tables, should be numbered consecutively. The use of figures (diagrams, charts, graphs) and tables should be kept to a minimum, with only essential data presented. Each should be numbered consecutively, titled, and mentioned in the main text. Tables must contain editable text. Mathematical formulations should be kept to a minimum. Equation editing programme should not be used for anything that can simply be typed on the keyboard in Word (such as d2 + x1 = y2).
All manuscripts are subject to double-blind system peer-review. The reviewer(s) identities will remain anonymous to authors. The paper will be peer-reviewed by two experts. The review process may take 60 days. Decisions will be made known to authors as soon as the editorial board reaches a decision and reviewer(s) comments sent to the authors immediately. Originality of Research Articles Articles can be empirical or nor empirical. These should describe new and carefully analysed and confirmed findings, backed with convincing research procedures. The length of a full paper should be concise and should describe and interpret the work clearly. Articles should not be more than 7,500 words. Preparation of Manuscripts Authors are to follow the following prescriptions in preparing their manuscripts for this journal.
Articles should be typed on Times New Roman on 12 font size double line spacing, block paragraph. All long quotes are block-indented on 11 font size. The main title should be on font size 14 in upper and lower cases and all sub-titles should be on font size 12 in upper and lower cases. Titles and sub-titles are not centralized.
An abstract should not exceed 200 words with a brief introduction, summarizing background of the work; research methods, results and its implications and recommendation. There are be five keywords immediately after the abstract.
All cited works must reflect in the references except for works that do not appear in references such as personal communication. EJAMSS adopts APA 7 edition. References should be typed on font size 11. Author(s) are advised to limit self-citation of previous studies in order to uphold the credibility of their paper.
Upon acceptance of paper(s), Nigerian authors are to pay N25,000 as Article Processing Charge (APC), while foreign author(s) will pay an Article Processing Charge of $25. Hard Copies of the journal are printed on demand.
Submission of a manuscript implies that the work described has not been published before (except in the published lecture, or thesis); that it is not under consideration for publication elsewhere; that if the manuscript is accepted for publication, the authors agree to automatic transfer of the copyright to the publisher. Open Access authors retain the copyrights of their papers, and all open access articles are distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution license, which permits unrestricted use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided that the original work is properly cited
All papers are subjected to plagiarism checks to ensure that the authors submit original papers for publication.
Papers are accepted all-year-round but the EJAMSS publishes twice a year (June and December).
Edo Journal of Arts, Management and Social Sciences (EJAMSS) informs authors and interested authors about special issues (editions). Papers outside the theme for the special edition shall not be published.